


  • 利用虛擬映射技術加速物聯網產品設計以提高性能
  • 快速比較和評估優化建議
  • 選擇現成的物聯網產品,或者為您的特定實例建模
  • 使用組件組裝您自己的解決方案,並針對您的部署網絡進行優化


  • 降低維護成本,提高與運營商網絡的互操作性
  • 驗證端到端流程,包括服務與應用層
  • 認證您的產品可確保在我們的在線產品貨架上更加顯眼

  • 評估您的物聯網解決方案的安全漏洞
  • 可自主裁剪測試包,以匹配不同複雜性產品和費用
  • 提供專家支持,在評估中給您指導


  • 與我們的技術專家進行面對面的交流
  • 深入研物聯技術的關鍵方面
  • 從多個可用的培訓模塊中進行選擇以滿足您的需求


  • DEKRA is the one-stop shop testing and certification services provider for IoT
  • Services include regulatory certifications (CE, FCC, etc.), industry certifications (GCF, PTCRB, etc.), functional & E2E verification, power consumption, HW and environmental verification, connection efficiency, antenna performance, cybersecurity
  • To know more about our IoT services offering, click here

  • Hanselmann & Compagnie is a player in management consulting with excellent functional competence and great industry expertise
  • In all of our mandates, we orientate ourselves towards value enhancement
  • We always think and act entrepreneurially with a high level of responsibility for future-proof solutions and sustainable implementation
  • We offer comprehensive consultancy services with core competencies to guide you:
    • Strategic (re-) alignment and strategy implementation
    • Definition of business field and product portfolio strategies -Implementation of management principles on the basis of balance sheet, profit & loss and organizational structure
    • General management roadmap to align all corporate functions to one target vision
    • Technological and commercial due diligence as well as PMI

  • 我們推動5G,人工智能和物聯網技術的創新轉移,為早期創業公司和領先的歐洲電信公司創造新的商機
  • 提供指導,投資以及對德國電信的網絡,客戶和技術的獨特訪問
  • 自2012年以來,我們已經通過我們位於柏林,克拉科夫和特拉維夫的數字生態系統連接了初創企業和利益相關者;聯繫我們以了解更多信息

  • umlaut is a global, full-service, cross-industry, end-to-end company that offers advisory and fulfilment services to clients all over the world
  • Our interdisciplinary capabilities enable us to add value, quality and focus to their organisations and produce
  • We are an able and agile group of consultancies and engineering firms
  • 4,500 specialised experts and engineers provide innovative solutions across all industries and their various intersections as well as serving the public sector and developing organisational cultures, structures and processes

  • Verkotan is a pioneer in wireless performance testing with over 20 year’s expertise in accredited testing, developing new test solutions and test method standardization in the mobile industry
  • We offer clear and easily accessible SAR and OTA test service packages for wearables and IoT
  • Our NB-IoT wireless testing solutions get your products to market faster with the right insights to optimize them
  • Verkotan’s personnel is the forerunner in the NB-IoT wireless testing field; our in-house capabilities allow us to offer you a powerful test solution for evaluation of IoT device performance

  • Cutting-edge business case tools to analyze the viability of IoT deployments
  • Help more IoT projects go from PoC to full commercial deployment
  • Analyze technology and deployment options, optimize revenues for your ROI
  • To see a proposal for a baseline IoT business case development project, click here
  • Watch our short video demonstration of the WiROI Business Case Analysis Tool to learn more