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Assurez-vous que vos projets IoT soient couronnés de succès !
Notre objectif est de vous permettre d'accéder plus rapidement à l'internet des objets. Nous avons réuni un portefeuille de services puissants pour vous aider à y parvenir !
Hanselmann & Compagnie is a player in management consulting with excellent functional competence and great industry expertise
In all of our mandates, we orientate ourselves towards value enhancement
We always think and act entrepreneurially with a high level of responsibility for future-proof solutions and sustainable implementation
We offer comprehensive consultancy services with core competencies to guide you:
Strategic (re-) alignment and strategy implementation
Definition of business field and product portfolio strategies -Implementation of management principles on the basis of balance sheet, profit & loss and organizational structure
General management roadmap to align all corporate functions to one target vision
Technological and commercial due diligence as well as PMI
Nous alimentons le transfert d'innovation dans les technologies 5G, IA et IoT afin de créer de nouvelles opportunités commerciales pour les startups en démarrage et le leader européen des télécommunications
Mentorat, investissement et accès unique aux réseaux, clients et technologies de Deutsche Telekom sont offerts
Depuis 2012, nous mettons en relation les startups et les parties prenantes via notre écosystème numérique à Berlin, Cracovie et Tel Aviv; Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus
umlaut is a global, full-service, cross-industry, end-to-end company that offers advisory and fulfilment services to clients all over the world
Our interdisciplinary capabilities enable us to add value, quality and focus to their organisations and produce
We are an able and agile group of consultancies and engineering firms
4,500 specialised experts and engineers provide innovative solutions across all industries and their various intersections as well as serving the public sector and developing organisational cultures, structures and processes
Verkotan is a pioneer in wireless performance testing with over 20 year’s expertise in accredited testing, developing new test solutions and test method standardization in the mobile industry
We offer clear and easily accessible SAR and OTA test service packages for wearables and IoT
Our NB-IoT wireless testing solutions get your products to market faster with the right insights to optimize them
Verkotan’s personnel is the forerunner in the NB-IoT wireless testing field; our in-house capabilities allow us to offer you a powerful test solution for evaluation of IoT device performance